ALL Tutorials are ON monday, June 2
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introduction to magnetic resonance imaging
Presented by Dr. Venkata Chebrolu
time of flight imaging
Presented by Dr. Miguel Heredia Conde
Signal Processing for Integrated Sensing and Communications
Presented by Dr. Kumar Vijay Mishra
Optical arrays and rf-photonic devices
Presented by Dr. Dennis Prather
Digital phased arrays and Synthetic Aperture Radar
Presented by Dr. David Schvartzman and Dr. Raghu G. Raj
neural radiance fields
Presented by Dr. Abhinav Shrivastava
introduction to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Presented by dr. venkata chebrolu
Venkata V. Chebrolu is a Staff Scientist and Collaborations Manager at Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. within the Magnetic Resonance R&D team. He also holds a position of Adjunct Assistant Professor at Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science. He received Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in Biomedical engineering from the University of Wisconsin Madison. He received M. Tech in Communications and Signal Processing and B. Tech in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB). His research topics include ultra-high field Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), musculoskeletal MRI, deep learning, MRI around metallic implants, MR inhomogeneity correction, estimation theory, and quantitative MRI. Dr. Chebrolu has more than fifteen intellectual property filings and five granted patents (US 11275139 B1, US 20210311148 A1, US 20210208226 A1, US 20170042496 A1, and US 20130267755 A1) in the field of MRI.
Dr. Chebrolu is a recipient of Siemens Healthineers recognition and award for outstanding contributions to Democratize MR Innovation and Venture Competition (2019-2020). He also received multiple GE (General Electric) “Above and Beyond” awards (2016, 2014, 2013, 2012). He received educational stipend award for the ISMRM-ESMRMB Joint annual meeting, Stockholm, Sweden, 2010 and the ISMRM 17th Scientific meeting & exhibition, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2009. He was also a recipient of the Manjula Bagmal Parek scholarship at the Indian Institute of Technology–Bombay (IITB), India for four years (2000–2004).
Dr. Chebrolu served as an external reviewer for proposals submitted to the Chile National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development (FONDECYT) Regular Competition (2020), and also served as a reviewer for the Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research, and Journal on Information Fusion. He also served as Electrical Engineering session chair at the International Conference on Convergence of Science, Engineering and Management in Education (ICCSEM), 2013.
Dr. Chebrolu is a member of the IEEE Signal Processing Society Synthetic Aperture Standards Committee and Vice Chair of the MRI working group on Performance Metrics for MRI Image Reconstruction. He was also one of the members of the Technical Program Committee (TPC) responsible for the Medical Imaging track within the workshop on Signal Processing for Synthetic Apertures at the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing.
Dr. Chebrolu is a recipient of Siemens Healthineers recognition and award for outstanding contributions to Democratize MR Innovation and Venture Competition (2019-2020). He also received multiple GE (General Electric) “Above and Beyond” awards (2016, 2014, 2013, 2012). He received educational stipend award for the ISMRM-ESMRMB Joint annual meeting, Stockholm, Sweden, 2010 and the ISMRM 17th Scientific meeting & exhibition, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2009. He was also a recipient of the Manjula Bagmal Parek scholarship at the Indian Institute of Technology–Bombay (IITB), India for four years (2000–2004).
Dr. Chebrolu served as an external reviewer for proposals submitted to the Chile National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development (FONDECYT) Regular Competition (2020), and also served as a reviewer for the Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research, and Journal on Information Fusion. He also served as Electrical Engineering session chair at the International Conference on Convergence of Science, Engineering and Management in Education (ICCSEM), 2013.
Dr. Chebrolu is a member of the IEEE Signal Processing Society Synthetic Aperture Standards Committee and Vice Chair of the MRI working group on Performance Metrics for MRI Image Reconstruction. He was also one of the members of the Technical Program Committee (TPC) responsible for the Medical Imaging track within the workshop on Signal Processing for Synthetic Apertures at the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing.
time of flight imaging
Presented by dr. Miguel Heredia Conde
Miguel Heredia Conde received the Dr.Eng. degree in sensor signal processing from the University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany, in 2016 and the Habilitation degree from the same university in 2022. In 2013, he joined the Center for Sensor Systems (ZESS), University of Siegen. Since then, he has also been a member of the DFG Research Training Group Graduiertenkolleg (GRK) 1564 “Imaging New Modalities.” Since 2016, he has been the Leader of the research group “Compressive Sensing for the Photonic Mixer Device” at ZESS, and since 2020, he has also been the General Manager of the H2020-Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (MSCA-ITN) MENELAOSNT. In 2023 he joined the Institute for High-Frequency and Communication Technology, University of Wuppertal, where he is the Head of the research group on "Computational 3D Imaging". His current research interests include time-of-flight imaging systems, such as those based on the photonic mixer device (PMD), Terahertz imaging, compressive sensing, computational imaging, and unconventional sensing.
He has been responsible for two lectures with focus on Compressive Sensing (CS) at the University of Siegen from 2017 to 2023 and another two at the University of Wuppertal from 2024 with focus on CS and optical imaging and sensing, respectively. Dr. Heredia Conde is a member of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) and the IEEE Standards Association (SA) and a regular reviewer of top-level conferences (ICASSP, etc.), multiple Elsevier and IEEE Transactions, Letters, and Journals, and of the DFG (German Research Foundation). He has been a visiting researcher at CiTIUS (Area of Artificial Vision), University of Santiago de Compostela, at the Faculty of Physics (Division of Information Optics), University of Warsaw, and at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Imperial College London. In 2020 he has been a visiting lecturer at the Department of Applied Mathematics I, University of Vigo. He has also been an invited speaker at multiple conferences and seminars. Dr. Conde is the Chair of the P3382 Performance Metrics for Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) Reconstruction Working Group of the IEEE Synthetic Aperture Standards Committee.
Dr. Heredia Conde was one of the recipients of the 2006 Academic Excellence Prices, awarded by the Government of Galicia, Spain. In 2017, he received the University of Siegen Prize for International Young Academics. In 2020 his collaborative work with Prof. Bhandari (ICL) was awarded the Best Paper Award at ICCP. In 2024 his group’s work on passive ToF imaging was awarded the Best Demo Award at CoSeRa.
Signal Processing for Integrated Sensing and Communications
In this tutorial, we focus on the recent developments toward integrated sensing and communications (ISAC). We consider a broad definition of coexistence, which covers ISAC, collaborative communications, and sensing with interference. Toward fully realizing the coexistence of the two systems, optimization of resources for both new/futuristic sensing and wireless communications modalities is crucial. These synergistic approaches that exploit the interplay between state sensing and communications are both driving factors and opportunities for many current signal processing and information-theoretic techniques. In addition, a large body of prior works considers colocated ISAC systems while distributed systems remain relatively unexamined. Building on the existing approaches, the tutorial focuses on highlighting emerging scenarios in collaborative and distributed ISAC, particularly at mm-Wave and THz frequencies, highly dynamic vehicular/automotive environments that would benefit from information exchange between the two systems. It presents the architectures and possible methodologies for mutually beneficial distributed co-existence and co-design, including sensor fusion and heterogeneously distributed radar and communications. The tutorial also considers recent developments such as the deployment of intelligent reflecting surfaces (IRS) in ISAC, 5G systems, passive internet-of-things, and ISAC secrecy rate optimization. This tutorial aims to draw the attention of the radar, communications, and signal processing communities toward an emerging area, which can benefit from the cross-fertilization of ideas in distributed systems.
Presented by dr. kumar vijay mishra
Kumar Vijay Mishra (S’08-M’15-SM’18) obtained a Ph.D. in electrical engineering and M.S. in mathematics from The University of Iowa in 2015, and M.S. in electrical engineering from Colorado State University in 2012, while working on NASA’s Global Precipitation Mission Ground Validation (GPM-GV) weather radars. He received his B. Tech. summa cum laude (Gold Medal, Honors) in electronics and communication engineering from the National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur (NITH), India in 2003. He is a Senior Fellow at the United States DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory; Research Scientist at the Institute for Systems Research, The University of Maryland, College Park under the ARL-ArtIAMAS program; Technical Adviser to Singapore-based automotive radar start-up Hertzwell and Boston-based imaging radar startup Aura Intelligent Systems; and honorary Research Fellow at SnT - Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust, University of Luxembourg. Previously, he had research appointments at the Electronics and Radar Development Establishment (LRDE), Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) Bengaluru; IIHR - Hydroscience & Engineering, Iowa City, IA; Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs, Cambridge, MA; Qualcomm, San Jose; and Technion - Israel Institute of Technology.
Dr. Mishra is the Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Communications Society (2023-2024), IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society (AESS) (2023-2024), IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (2023-2024), IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (2024-2025), and IEEE Future Networks Initiative (2022). He is the recipient of the IEEE Signal Processing Society Pierre-Simon Laplace Early Career Technical Achievement Award (2024), Special Mention for the IEEE AESS M. Barry Carlton Award (2023), IET Premium Best Paper Prize (2021), IEEE T-AES Outstanding Editor (2021, 2023), U. S. National Academies Harry Diamond Distinguished Fellowship (2018-2021), American Geophysical Union Editors' Citation for Excellence (2019), Royal Meteorological Society Quarterly Journal Editor's Prize (2017), Viterbi Postdoctoral Fellowship (2015, 2016), Lady Davis Postdoctoral Fellowship (2017), DRDO LRDE Scientist of the Year Award (2006), NITH Director’s Gold Medal (2003), and NITH Best Student Award (2003). He has received Best Paper Awards at IEEE MLSP 2019 and IEEE ACES Symposium 2019.
Dr. Mishra is Chair (2023-present) of the Synthetic Apertures Technical Working Group of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) and Vice-Chair (2021-present) of the IEEE Synthetic Aperture Standards Committee, which is the first SPS standards committee. He is the Chair (2023-2026) of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI) Commission C. He has been an elected member of three technical committees of IEEE SPS: SPCOM, SAM, and ASPS, and IEEE AESS Radar Systems Panel, including serving as Chair (2025-) of IEEE AESS Technical Working Group on Integrated Sensing and Communications (ISAC-TWG). He has been Senior Area Editor of IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (2024-), Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems (2020-) and IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation (2023-). He has been a lead/guest editor of several special issues in journals such as IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, and IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. He is the lead co-editor of several books on signal processing and radar: Signal Processing for Joint Radar-Communications (Wiley-IEEE Press, 2024), Next-Generation Cognitive Radar Systems (IET Press Radar, Electromagnetics & Signal Processing Technologies Series, 2024), Advances in Weather Radar Volumes 1, 2 & 3 (IET Press Radar, Electromagnetics & Signal Processing Technologies Series, 2024), and Handbook of Statistics 55: Multidimensional Signal Processing (Elsevier). His research interests include radar systems, signal processing, remote sensing, and electromagnetics.
Dr. Mishra is the Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Communications Society (2023-2024), IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society (AESS) (2023-2024), IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (2023-2024), IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (2024-2025), and IEEE Future Networks Initiative (2022). He is the recipient of the IEEE Signal Processing Society Pierre-Simon Laplace Early Career Technical Achievement Award (2024), Special Mention for the IEEE AESS M. Barry Carlton Award (2023), IET Premium Best Paper Prize (2021), IEEE T-AES Outstanding Editor (2021, 2023), U. S. National Academies Harry Diamond Distinguished Fellowship (2018-2021), American Geophysical Union Editors' Citation for Excellence (2019), Royal Meteorological Society Quarterly Journal Editor's Prize (2017), Viterbi Postdoctoral Fellowship (2015, 2016), Lady Davis Postdoctoral Fellowship (2017), DRDO LRDE Scientist of the Year Award (2006), NITH Director’s Gold Medal (2003), and NITH Best Student Award (2003). He has received Best Paper Awards at IEEE MLSP 2019 and IEEE ACES Symposium 2019.
Dr. Mishra is Chair (2023-present) of the Synthetic Apertures Technical Working Group of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) and Vice-Chair (2021-present) of the IEEE Synthetic Aperture Standards Committee, which is the first SPS standards committee. He is the Chair (2023-2026) of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI) Commission C. He has been an elected member of three technical committees of IEEE SPS: SPCOM, SAM, and ASPS, and IEEE AESS Radar Systems Panel, including serving as Chair (2025-) of IEEE AESS Technical Working Group on Integrated Sensing and Communications (ISAC-TWG). He has been Senior Area Editor of IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (2024-), Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems (2020-) and IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation (2023-). He has been a lead/guest editor of several special issues in journals such as IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, and IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. He is the lead co-editor of several books on signal processing and radar: Signal Processing for Joint Radar-Communications (Wiley-IEEE Press, 2024), Next-Generation Cognitive Radar Systems (IET Press Radar, Electromagnetics & Signal Processing Technologies Series, 2024), Advances in Weather Radar Volumes 1, 2 & 3 (IET Press Radar, Electromagnetics & Signal Processing Technologies Series, 2024), and Handbook of Statistics 55: Multidimensional Signal Processing (Elsevier). His research interests include radar systems, signal processing, remote sensing, and electromagnetics.
Optical arrays and rf-photonic devices
Presented by dr. Dennis prather
Professor Dennis Prather began his professional career by joining the US Navy in 1982, as an E-1, where he served for more than 38 years and recently retired as a CAPT (O-6) Engineering Duty Officer. After his initial tour of active duty, he attended the University of Maryland and received the BSEE, MSEE, and PhD degrees in 1989, 1993, and 1997, respectively. During his graduate study, he worked as a senior research engineer for the Army Research Laboratory, where he performed research on both optical devices and architectures for information processing. In 1997 he joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Delaware, where he is currently the College of Engineering Alumni Distinguished Professor. His research focuses on both the theoretical and experimental aspects of RF-photonic devices and their integration into operational systems for imaging, communications and Radar. To achieve this, his lab designs and develops fabrication/integration processes necessary for the demonstration of state-of-the-art RF-photonic devices such as: ultra-high bandwidth modulators, silicon photonic RF sources, photonic crystal chip-scale routers, meta-material antennas, and integrated RF-Photonic phased array antennas.
Professor Prather is currently an Endowed Professor of Electrical Engineering, he is a Fellow of the IEEE, Fellow of the Society of Photo-Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), Fellow of the Optical Society of America (OSA) and Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors. He has authored or co-authored over 650 scientific papers, holds over 40 patents, and has written 16 books/book-chapters.
Professor Prather is currently an Endowed Professor of Electrical Engineering, he is a Fellow of the IEEE, Fellow of the Society of Photo-Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), Fellow of the Optical Society of America (OSA) and Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors. He has authored or co-authored over 650 scientific papers, holds over 40 patents, and has written 16 books/book-chapters.
digital Phased arrays and synthetic aperture radar
Presented by dr. David Schvartzman
Presented by dr. raghu g. raj
David Schvartzman (Senior Member, IEEE) was born in Piracicaba, SP, Brazil, on March 17, 1988. He received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, USA, in 2015 and 2020, respectively, with a focus on polarimetric phased array radar. Dr. Schvartzman has held research positions supporting the NOAA National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL) and the Advanced Radar Research Center (ARRC) at the University of Oklahoma. At NSSL, he gained key insights into observational needs for improving weather warnings and forecasts and developed signal processing algorithms to enhance meteorological products for the operational US Weather Surveillance Radar (WSR-88D). He is currently an Assistant Professor with joint appointments in the School of Meteorology and the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Oklahoma, affiliated with the ARRC. His work spans signal and array processing, radar calibration, and the development of advanced radar techniques for weather observation and severe weather detection.
Dr. Schvartzman is the recipient of several awards, including the 2023 IEEE R5 Outstanding Young Professional Award, the 2024 Research Excellence Award from the College of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences at the University of Oklahoma, and the 2019 American Meteorological Society’s Spiros G. Geotis Prize. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE and a member of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) and its Scientific and Technological Activities Commission (STAC) on Radar Meteorology.
Dr. Schvartzman is the recipient of several awards, including the 2023 IEEE R5 Outstanding Young Professional Award, the 2024 Research Excellence Award from the College of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences at the University of Oklahoma, and the 2019 American Meteorological Society’s Spiros G. Geotis Prize. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE and a member of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) and its Scientific and Technological Activities Commission (STAC) on Radar Meteorology.
Raghu G. Raj (Senior Member, IEEE) received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA, in 2007. He is currently a Senior Research Scientist and the Head of Radar Imaging and Target ID Section, Radar Division, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), Washington DC, USA, where he leads the research and development of advanced methods in radar imaging, detection, and target identification with applications to various U.S. DoD funded programs. He has more than 90 publications in various international journals, conferences, and technical reports. Dr. Raj was a recipient of the NRL Alan Berman Publication Award. His research interests span various signal/image processing, machine learning, and electromagnetic and inverse problems in radar and remote sensing. Dr. Raj is an Associate Editor of the Radar section of IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, an Associate Editor of URSI Radio Science Letters, and the Co-Chair of the IEEE SPS SAR Standardization Committee. He holds nine U.S. patents.