Paper templates available below. Submit manuscripts here
- Accepted manuscripts have to be presented live at the conference by an author, either as a poster presentation or lecture
- Conference no-shows will not be published in IEEE Xplore
- Authors may indicate as a comment during the submission process which type of presentation format they prefer -- lecture or poster
- There are no guarantees that the author's preference can be accommodated
- Submitting authors will be required to create a login account with
- Note that new accounts created without an institutional email will go through a moderation process that can take up to two weeks
- New accounts created with an institutional email will be activated automatically
- Initial submission: The minimum initial submission to CISA 2025 due 28 February 2025 is a 2-page summary with sufficient details/results to permit careful reviewing.
- Initial 2-page submissions to the Climate Change Initiative are due 14 March 2025.
- Camera-ready paper: All papers accepted to CISA will be required to submit a camera-ready version due 2 May 2025 with a 4-page limit plus an additional page dedicated only to references.
- Authors are strongly encouraged (but are not required) to submit the complete 4+1-page paper in the initial call.
- The LaTex template is available here
- The Word template is available here
- A sample pdf submission is here
- The same template should be used for both the initial summary (minimum 2 pages) and camera-ready paper submissions (4+1 pages) except for following the relevant page limits. The abstracts in both versions should be 100-150 words.
- Appropriate copyright notices must be used based on the authors’ employment.
- All the initial submissions will be reviewed by the Technical Program Committee.
- Authors will be notified of acceptance of their initial submissions, the presentation format (oral or poster) and the session information by 31 March 2025.
- Authors have until 2 May 2025 to upload their final camera-ready document.
- The camera-ready document will be included in the Technical Program and arranged into relevant sessions.
GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR YOUR SUBMISSIONThe initial 2-page summary will create your first impression on the Technical Program Committee. As such, it is recommended that the submission is succinct while conveying the significant contributions of your work. The submission should include the main points, methods, results, and conclusions to assist the Technical Program Committee in making their decision in your favor. The camera-ready papers will be submitted to IEEE Xplore for publication and, therefore, should be of high quality. The submissions will also be checked for plagiarism.